Marketplace / Templates / VC Investor Meeting Agenda for Founders

VC Investor Meeting Agenda for Founders

An easy to use meeting template for structuring a meeting with venture capitalists, covering key business metrics, goals, and questions.


# Q4 Investor Meeting

__Type of Meeting:__ Review

__Goal of Meeting:__ Review Q4 performance and strategy for Q2 & Q3.

__Location:__ Nokia, Bangalore

__Date:__ 20.03.2024

__Time:__ 3:00 PM

## Participants:
- Megan Rice - Chairman
- Dylan Peterson - Limited Partner
- Jonathan Prince - Limited Partner
- Eddie Bravo - CEO of Acme Startup
- Sam Sisson - CFO of Acme Startup
- Julia Tao (Analyst)

__Note-taker:__ Julia Tao

## Agenda:
- Financial Statements of Acme Startup
- Marketing Performance for Q4
- Hiring updates
- Change of strategy to target B2B
- Marketing Channels for consideration
- Budget allocation
- Compliance benefits

Please review the agenda above and feel free to email back for any queries. Thanks for your interest and I look forward to meeting you on the 20th.
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